2.6.0 - Donón
There is a document that explains visually the most important changes of this release. You can download it here.
CMS Changes
- Modules are now Content Structures: This change make the hierarchy more clear in relation to content items. This only affects naming, so none URL was changed.
- Remember preferences: Sorting and items per page are now stored for you and used when showing next time.
- Direct access to content items from content structure edition.
- Favorite content structures and filter in the list.
- Pagination and search in fields.
- Drag and drop to select the order of the fields.
- Advanced search is now a dynamic list automatically filtering for search value.
- Export only the content items you need instead of the whole content structure selecting them before exporting.
- Limit the number of characters in text field.
- Mandatory fields. An item cannot be published unless this field is filled in, but can be saved as draft.
- Changing your password has changed and will notify when password will expire. You will have to change your password each 75 days for the editors and 30 for the admins.
- Gone fishing: When HALO CMS is down for maintenance, will shows a maintenance page.
- Status monitor: Show if all the modules of HALO are working and the time of response.
Server changes
- Automatic content cache.
- Media antivirus that scan all uploaded files.
Breaking changes
- None