2.5.0 - Cambados
There is a document that explains visually the most important changes of this release. You can download it here.
CMS Changes
- First-time user assistance tooltips
- Ability to add tags to multiple content items simultaneously via list view
- Breadcrumbs in header to help navigate
- User profile enabled for all CMS users and direct link via header bar
- Media search enabled in content items
- CMS branding per customer possible
- Dynamic columns for fields on the content item list & improvements
- More clarifying texts in templates
- Several visual improvements for icons/buttons
- Geolocation field added
- Categorize media library items (tag and segment media)
- GDPR compliance implementations
- Multiple error messages improved
- Several bug fixes
Server changes
- Push notifications improvements: to web browsers, scheduling, deletion,
- Loyalty: campaigns creation,
- Audit compliance implementations
- Customization the sender (sms, email, push) in the 2-factor authentication
- Error registering in device on push notifications
- GDPR consent registrations
New webservices
Returns the list of changes applied to an item POST /api/audit/record/search
Generates a report with all changes for a specific period GET /api/audit/record/report
Retrieves CMS settings for color schema and logo GET /api/core/customer/settings/self
Updates CMS settings color schema and logo POST /api/core/customer/settings/self
Validates email or requests a new email to validate it POST /api/core/user/emailconfirmation
Updates fields order for the specified module POST /api/generalcontent/field/order
Exports module data including fields and instances POST /api/generalcontent/module/export/
Reports push activity based on app users behavior POST /api/push/schedule/activity
Returns the list of users registered with social accounts POST /api/segmentation/identified/search
Creates or updates the personal key-value storage of the logged user PUT /api/segmentation/identified-pocket/self
Breaking changes
- None