Adding the dependency
In order to use all the features provided by the HALO Social Framework, its dependency will have to be added to the project. Depending on the tool that it's being used for dependency management, the steps may change.
Adding the dependency on the HALO Social Framework is as easy as adding the following line to the Cartfile
github "mobgen/halo-social-ios" "{{ site.ios_version }}"
After that, performing a carthage update
all the required resources to use this Framework should be downloaded.
Similarly, configuring the dependency using CocoaPods is fairly simple:
pod 'HaloSocialSDK', '{{ site.ios_version }}'
Social API
The social API is the way to sign in with social providers on HALO SDK. Importing this framework will need a valid HALO instance configured with some credentials and the credentials of the network providers you want to import. The HALO Social SDK provides at the moment two integrations with existing social networks:
- Facebook integration. If you want to learn more, please refer to the detailed documentation
- Google integration. If you want to learn more, please refer to the detailed documentation
Facebook integration notes
You must follow the next instructions to enable the halo social facebook addon.
Warning: Remember to set
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
Warning: You should add a build phase run script to code sign all the embedded frameworks.
pushd ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Frameworks/HaloSocialFacebook.framework/Frameworks
for EACH in *.framework; do
echo "-- signing ${EACH}"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --deep --sign "${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" --entitlements "${TARGET_TEMP_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app.xcent"
--timestamp=none $EACH
Simple usage
Login with a social provider (Facebook or Google)
Once the HALO SDK is started and you add the Social SDK, you can use a social provider to log in.
Tip: If you want to learn more about the Facebook integration, please refer to the detailed documentation
Tip: If you want to learn more about the Google integration, please refer to the detailed documentation
Halo.Manager.auth.loginWithFacebook(viewController: self, stayLoggedIn: false) { (user, error) in
if error != nil {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User logged in succesfully. Do something with "user".
[HaloManager.auth loginWithFacebookWithViewController:self stayLoggedIn:false completionHandler:^(HaloUser * _Nullable user, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != NULL) {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User logged in succesfully. Do something with "user".
// Your ViewController should implement GIDSignInUIDelegate protocol.
Halo.Manager.auth.loginWithGoogle(uiDelegate: self, stayLoggedIn: false) { (user, error) in
if error != nil {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User logged in succesfully. Do something with "user".
// Your ViewController should implement GIDSignInUIDelegate protocol.
[HaloManager.auth loginWithGoogleWithUIDelegate:self stayLoggedIn:false completionHandler:^(HaloUser * _Nullable user, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != NULL) {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User logged in succesfully. Do something with "user".
Once the HALO SDK is started, you can use the HaloAuthManager and try to register a new user.
Tip: This process only register the user against HALO so you must call to login after registration process finishes correctly.
import Halo
// Device should be set after calling startup.
guard let deviceAlias = Halo.Manager.core.device?.alias else {
// Without a device, you cannot login.
let email = "your@email.com"
// set an AuthProfile to register.
let authProfile = AuthProfile(email: email, password: "yoursecretpassword", deviceId: deviceAlias)
// set a UserProfile to register.
let userProfile = UserProfile(id: nil, email: email, name: "YourName", surname: "YourSurname", displayName: nil, profilePictureUrl: nil)
Manager.auth.register(authProfile: authProfile, userProfile: userProfile) { (userProfile, error) in
if error != nil {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User registered succesfully. Do something with "userProfile".
#import <Halo/Halo-Swift.h>
#import <HaloObjC/HaloObjC-Swift.h>
NSString *email = @"your@email.com"
HaloAuthProfile *authProfile = [[HaloAuthProfile alloc] initWithEmail:email password:@"yoursecretpassword" deviceId:HaloManager.core.device.alias];
HaloUserProfile *userProfile = [[HaloUserProfile alloc] initWithId:nil email:email name:@"YourName" surname:@"YourSurname" displayName:nil profilePictureUrl:nil];
[HaloManager.auth registerWithAuthProfile:authProfile userProfile:userProfile completionHandler:^(HaloUserProfile * _Nullable userProfile, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != NULL) {
// Something went wrong.
} else {
// User registered succesfully. Do something with "userProfile".
Once the HALO SDK is started and user is logged in, you can use theHaloAuthManager and try to logout.
import Halo
Halo.Manager.auth.logout { success in
// If success is true, logout is succesful.
<div id="objc-5" class="tab-pane fade">
<pre><code class="objective-c">#import <Halo/Halo-Swift.h>
#import <HaloObjC/HaloObjC-Swift.h>
[HaloManager.auth logout:^(BOOL success) {
// If success is true, logout is succesful.